
Jong-woo Han


Non-resident Fellow


LIST Organization Chart

Degree and Work Experience

Dr. Han is the President of the Korean War Legacy Foundation and World History Digital Education Foundation. His major research and publication areas include networked information technology and its impact on social capital, elections, politics, and democracy as well as the relations between North Korea and the United States. He also constructed the Korean War Veterans Digital Memorial (KWVDM, and led the incorporation of the Korean War Legacy Foundation. He is an associate member of Korean War Veterans Association and the Korean War Veterans Central New York Chapter #105. He has published several books including, Networked Information Technologies, Elections, and Politics: Korea and the United States (The Lexington Books, 2011), Understanding North Korea (The Lexington Books, 2014), and Power, Place, and State-Society Relations in Korea: Neo-Confucian and Geomantic Reconstruction of the Developmental State and Democratization (The Lexington Books, 2014). His involvement in the academic exchange program with the Kim Chaek University of Technology (KUT), DPRK, since 2002, has produced many noticeable academic achievements including KUT's first digital library in 2005. Dr. Han served as the host of New York Radio Korea from 2008 – 2009 and regularly returns as a guest on this weekly talk radio program about U.S. politics and Korea. Dr. Han earned a Ph.D. in political science from Syracuse University in 1997.



List of Publications