「국가전략」온라인 투고
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Elite Management before Autocratic Leader Succession: Evidence from North Korea
2024-07-24 조회수 : 5,844 Peter Ward
How do dictators prepare for succession? Scholars have studied the determinants of succession, but we know little about the mechanisms, ...
Common Pool Resource Management and Problems of Sustainable Urban Development in North Korea
2024-06-20 조회수 : 2,896 Peter Ward
The North Korean government has an avowed commitment to achieving economic and social development sustainable. However, it has serious is...
탄소중립과 세계 주요국의 원전산업 육성정책
2023-03-14 조회수 : 5,472
탄소중립과 세계 주요국의 원전산업 육성정책 저자: 이상현 분량: 4페이지
Emerging strategic risks in the Asia-Pacific and the impact on the nuclear nonproliferation regime
2023-03-07 조회수 : 2,447
Emerging strategic risks in the Asia-Pacific and the impact on the nuclear nonproliferation regimeEditor: Lee Sang Hyun Publishing Date...
Taking Taiwan: The Risk, and Costs, of China Choosing Conflict
2022-09-29 조회수 : 2,656
Welcome to Our September 2022 IssueDear Reader It didn’t take long after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on Feb. 24 for some to speculate wh...
2021 세종-EU 세미나 연구결과 보고서
2022-06-13 조회수 : 4,585
EU-SOUTH KOREA RELATIONS UNDER THE EU INDO-PACIFIC STRATEGY On August 10th, 2021, the Sejong Institute, with the support of the EU Dele...
한국 원자력 협력의 도전과 과제
2022-05-16 조회수 : 2,881
“두 대통령, 하나의 길: 2022년과 그 이후 도전과제 대응을 위한 한미동맹 로드맵(Two Presidents, One Agenda: A Blueprint for South Korea an...
억제 전략을 넘어서: 한반도 평화구축을 위한 평화게임(Peace Game)
2022-04-06 조회수 : 4,691
본 보고서는 2021년 10월에 실시된 한반도 관계 개선과 안보 강화, 신뢰 구축을 위한 외교적 협상에서 가시적 진전을 도출하기 위한 가상 롤...
ASEAN-ROK Partnership in the Indo-Pacific Era: Consolidation and Expansion
2022-01-24 조회수 : 3,177 최윤정
ASEAN-ROK Partnership in the Indo-Pacific Era: Consolidation and Expansion Editor: CHOI Yoon Jung Contributing Authors:Kavi Chongkittav...
ASEAN-ROK Partnership: Building Resilience, Pioneering the Future
2021-05-14 조회수 : 3,093 최윤정
ASEAN-ROK Partnership: Building Resilience, Pioneering the FutureChanges in Regional Architecture and Responses to Digital Transformation...