
[세종정책브리프 2023-19] Pivotal Partnership in the Indo-Pacific: Assessment of Korea-India Relations and the Road Ahead

등록일 2024-01-12 조회수 2,917 저자 최윤정 , Sandip Kumar Mishra

[세종정책브리프 2023-19]


Pivotal Partnership in the Indo-Pacific:

Assessment of Korean-India Relations and the Road Ahead



Yoon Jung Choi(Director, Center of Diplomatic Strategy, Sejong Institute)

Sandip Kumar Mishra(Associate Professor, Jawaharlal Nehru University)




    ​ The paper explores the evolving dynamics in the Indo-Pacific region and the strategic relationship between Korea and India under the "Indo-Pacific Strategy." Recognizing India as a pivota

        partner for Korea, the paper highlights the potential for robust economic cooperation, increased agreement operationalization, and shared value alignment within a "free, open, and 

        inclusive Indo-Pacific" strategy.

    ​ In examining progress and challenges in Korea-India relations, key agreements such as the Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) and the Special Strategic Partnership

    Agreement (SSPA) are commended and analyzed. Challenges, including limited scope in these agreements, are identified, with suggestions to operationalize them, such as SSPA, for issue


​ ​​The comparative analysis of Indo-Pacific strategies reveals contrasting trajectories for India and Korea that have only recently converged on notable complementarities. While India's approach

    evolved rapidly, Korea, initially hesitant, shifted under the Yoon Suk Yeol administration and subsequently released its Indo-Pacific strategy in December 2022. The paper highlights the 

    geopolitical considerations that have influenced the development of these strategic approaches.

​​Exploring the strategic value of Korea-India cooperation further, the paper identifies convergence on regional issues and emphasizes 'freedom, peace, and prosperity.' Strengthening bilateral

    connections in defense, economics, and culture is underscored, with strides made to enhance cooperation.

​​ In identifying future obstacles, the paper notes the avoidance of explicit stances, differences in approaches, and the need for a more substantial strategic partnership. Addressing the lack of

   awareness and trust, the paper suggests cultural engagement to enrich the nations’ interpersonal relationship.

​​ Concluding with policy suggestions, the paper recommends enhanced collaboration on common objectives, emphasizing serious consideration of security threats, closer defense cooperation,

    and a prosperous socioeconomic partnership. The aim is to foster a comprehensive partnership and steer the Korea-India relationship toward greater collaboration in the Indo-Pacific region.