
ASEAN Ambassador Visit

등록일 2021-11-29 조회수 1,396

The Sejong Institute held a policy meeting with ASEAN ambassadors on November 29, 2021 (Tue). 


H.E. Pg Hjh Nooriyah PLW Pg Hj Yussof, Zelda Wulan Kartica, Ahmad Fahmi Ahmad Sarkawi, H.E. Thant Sin, Adrian Li, H.E. Rommanee Kananurak and H.E. Nguyen Vu Tung participated.


They discussed Korea's foreign policy, U.S.-China relations, and India-Pacific and New Southern Policy with Lee Sang-hyun, Lee Myeon-woo, Choi Yoon-jung, and Jeong Jae-heung.