Policy Suggestions
Sejong Policy Briefs
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(Brief 2024-02) Kim Jong Un's order to prepare for "pacification" of the South in the event of a war and assessing the ruptured ties with North Korea
2024-02-07 조회수 : 2,052 CHEONG Seong-Chang
Kim Jong Un's order to prepare for "pacification" of the South in the event of a war and assessing the ruptured ties with North KoreaSeon...
(Brief 2024-01) Taiwan's 2024 Presidential Election Result Review and Overall Implications
2024-01-29 조회수 : 2,162 CHUNG Jae-hung , GyuBeum Kim
Taiwan's 2024 Presidential Election Result Review and Overall ImplicationsJae-hung ChungDirector of Center for Chinese Studiesjameschung@...
(Brief 2023-20) Economic Security, Beyond Faction to National Interest
2024-01-24 조회수 : 2,245 CHOI Yoon Jung
Economic Security, Beyond Faction to National InterestYoonjung Choiyjchoi@sejong.orgDirector of Center for Indo-Pacific StudiesThe Sejon...
(Brief 2023-19) Pivotal Partnership in the Indo-Pacific: Assessment of Korea-India Relations and the Road Ahead
2024-01-12 조회수 : 2,154 CHOI Yoon Jung, Sandip Kumar Mishra
Pivotal Partnership in the Indo-Pacific: Assessment of Korean-India Relations and the Road Ahead Yoon Jung Choiyjchoi@sejong.orgDirector...
(Brief 2023-18) Global South and Korea's Diplomacy
2023-12-21 조회수 : 2,332 CHOI Yoon Jung
Global South and Korea's Diplomacy Yoonjung Choiyjchoi@sejong.orgDirector of Center for Indo-Pacific StudiesThe Sejong Institute ❍ Th...
(Brief 2023-17) Full-Scale Strategic Economic Security Cooperation between China and Russia and its limitations in the period of the emergence of a new international order
2023-12-11 조회수 : 2,000 CHUNG Jae-hung , Dongmin Lee
Full-Scale Strategic Economic Security Cooperation between China and Russia and its limitations in the period of the emergence of a new i...
(Brief 2023-16) North Korean Economy After Covid-19 and its Prospects
2023-11-24 조회수 : 1,924 CHOI Eun-ju
North Korean Economy After Covid-19 and its Prospects Eun-ju Choiej0717@sejong.orgResearch FellowThe Sejong Institute ❍ Regarding North K...
(Brief 2023-15) Suggestions for Korea-Japan parliamentary diplomacy: Focusing on the analysis of Japan's Conservative Parliamentary Union
2023-11-02 조회수 : 2,133 Mi Ae Jung
Suggestions for Korea-Japan parliamentary diplomacy: Focusing on the analysis of Japan's Conservative Parliamentary Union Mi Ae JungVisi...
(Brief 2023-14) The Effectiveness of Nuclear Weapons in the Ukraine War
2023-10-16 조회수 : 2,211 Kwangjin Kim
The Effectiveness of Nuclear Weapons in the Ukraine War Gwangjin Kimkwangkai@gmail.comProfessor at Sookmyung Women’s University Raising...
(Brief 2023-13) Indo-Pacific Strategy and Korea-Japan cooperation
2023-10-10 조회수 : 2,094 JIN Chang Soo
Indo-Pacific Strategy and Korea-Japan cooperationChangsoo Jinjincs@sejong.orgDirector of Center for Japanese StudiesThe Sejong Institute...