
이사장 기획실 행정실 연구소장 부소장 연구지원 세종교육원 외교전략센터 안보전략센터 한반도전략센터 인도태평양연구센터 중국연구센터 일본연구센터

문양 Board of Directors

Board MemberYong-joon Lee
Degree and Work Experience
  • Chairman of the Sejong Institute
Board MemberLee Hee-Ok
Degree and Work Experience​
  • Ph.D. in Political Science, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
  • Professor, Sungkyunkwan University
  • Director, SungKyun Institute for Chinese Studies
Board MemberYoo Soo Kyong
Degree and Work Experience
  • Ph.D. in Literature, Ewha Womans University
  • Former Professor, Kookmin University
Board MemberKim Hae-Ryun​
Degree and Work Experience​​
  • B.A. in Business Administration, Ewha Womans University
  • M.A. in Business Administration, New York Pace University
  • President, Taekyung Group
  • Chairman, Songwon Kim Young-Hwan Scholarship Foundation
Board MemberLEE Oh Young
Degree and Work Experience
  • L.L..B. in Law, Seoul National University
  • Chairperson, South-North Economic Cooperation Forum
  • Committee Member, Sejong Center Chamber Hall Foundation
Board MemberKim Changbeum
Degree and Work Experience
  • Vice Chairman of The Federation of Korean Industries
  • Former) Government Representative for the Pacific Islands Bureau of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Former) Ambassador of the Republic of Korea Embassy to the Republic of Indonesia
  • Former) Ambassador of the Republic of Korea Embassy to the European Union
  • Former) Ambassador of the Republic of Korea Embassy to the Kingdom of Belgium
Board MemberOh Youngjin
Degree and Work Experience
  • Korea Times CEO
  • Former) Director of the Korea Times Economic Sections (Vice Director)
  • Former) Director of Digital Content Bureau of The Korea Times
Board MemberIhn Yo-han
Degree and Work Experience
  • 22nd National Assembly member
  • Director of International Health Care Center at Severance Hospital
  • Professor of Family Medicine at Yonsei University Medical School
  • Chairman, Royce Christian Rehabilitation Center
  • Chairman of Cheonripo Arboretum
  • Adjunct Professor of Graduate School of Medicine, KAIST College of Bioscience and Technology
  • Chairman of the Policy Advisory Committee of the Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs
Board MemberKwon Ogon
Degree and Work Experience
  • Director of Seoul National University
  • Adviser to the Constitutional Court
  • Director, Hongjinki Legal Research Foundation
  • President of the Assembly of States Parties to the Rome Statute, ICC
  • Lawyer/Director of the Institute of International Law at Kim&Chang
  • Editorial Writer, International Criminal Justice Magazine of Oxford University
  • Former Judge of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY)
Board MemberKwon Tae-Oh
Degree and Work Experience
  • Endowed-chair professor at Seoul Cyber University
  • Professor of Research at the National Defense University (Ph.D. on Military Studies)
  • Vice Chairman of the Korea-U.N. Friendship Association
Board MemberKim Youngsoo
Degree and Work Experience
  • Director of the North Korean Research Institute
  • Emeritus Professor of Political Science and International Relations at Sogang University
  • Policy adviser to the Ministry of National Defense
  • Policy adviser to the Ministry of Unification
Board MemberKim Euihyung
Degree and Work Experience
  • Advisor to the Korea Accounting Standards Institute
  • Former) Representative of Samil Accounting Firm
Board MemberJung Ok-im
Degree and Work Experience
  • Member of South-North Korea Exchanges and Cooperation Support Association
  • Former) Chairman Korea Peninsula Future Forum
  • Former) Chairman Korea Hana Foundation
  • Former) Member of National Assembly
AuditSeonghyun Yoon
Degree and Work Experience
  • Lawyer at Chang Law Firm
  • Director of Database Center For North Korean Human Rights
AuditHankil Hyun
Degree and Work Experience
  • Certified Public Accountant / Tax Accountant at Seonjin Accounting Corporation