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The Contemporary North Korean Politics: History, Ideology and Power System
2013-04-10 조회수 : 3,728
Some in our society believe that North Korean leader Kim Jong-il's death will result in sudden anarchy; this belief is derived from a nar...
Changes of Japan‘s Foreign Policies in the times of Transformation and the Korea-Japan Cooperation
2013-04-10 조회수 : 3,528
This book focuses on examining the changes in modern Japanese diplomacy after the collapse of the Cold War era. This book was published b...
National Strategy in a Fast Changing International Situation
2013-04-10 조회수 : 3,685
In the 21st century, South Korea's foreign affairs and national security faces multiple challenges. Fundamental structural changes are ...
Drawing a New Security Map of East Asia
2013-04-10 조회수 : 3,996 (eds.)
The emergence of China provides the foreign affairs and national security of the Republic of Korea with a serious challenge and a window...
North Korea's Human Rights Index and Research & Development of the Index
2013-04-10 조회수 : 3,648 (eds.)
In line with the criticisms of Nobel Prize winning economist Sen, the North Korean nuclear development is worrisome but the bigger proble...
Changchun-Jilin-Tumen Development Project and Economic Cooperation in Northeast Asia
2013-04-10 조회수 : 4,878
The economic relationship between China and North Korea is intensifying. The relationship of these two countries was based upon an one-...
Economy and Security in Northeast Asia: US%uB7China Competition for Hegemony and South Korea's Counter Measures
2013-04-10 조회수 : 4,865 (eds.)
The purpose of this book is to evaluate the implication of US%uB7China's competition for hegemony on the economy and security of North...
Global Governance and International Security: Issues and Players
2013-04-10 조회수 : 5,033
Global Governance is a comprehensive paradigm for viewing the transformation of world order in this age of globalization. With inc...
A Discourse on Korean Peninsula
2013-04-10 조회수 : 5,244
This book was written to outline the theoretical framework for overcoming division on the Korean Peninsula and unification, while also il...
Great Korea's Grand Design for the 21st Century
2013-04-10 조회수 : 6,300
South Korea’s recent success in industrial modernization and political democratization has also led to the nation attempting to join th...