Sejong News
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Northeast Asia Peace and Cooperation Forum 2017
2017-11-14 조회수 : 16,513
The Sejong Institute-Stanford APARC Symposium
2017-06-21 조회수 : 20,354
On Wednesday, June 28, the Sejong Institute and Walter H. Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center of Stanford University hold a symposi...
The 4th Thesis Competition on Korea-Japan-China Trilateral Cooperation
2017-06-01 조회수 : 21,057
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Sejong Institute calls for undergraduate and graduate students to participate in the thesis compe...
박사 후 객원연구위원 초빙
2016-11-14 조회수 : 29,493
박사 후 객원연구위원 초빙세종연구소는 나라의 안전과 남북통일 및 대외정책 연구를 수행하는공익민간연구소로서 다음과 같이 박사 ...
박사 후 객원연구위원 채용 공고
2016-11-14 조회수 : 23,155
박사 후 객원연구위원 채용 공고1. 자격 및 모집인원 1) 자격: 박사학위 취득자(1~2년 이내) 및 예정자 2) 분야: 미국 정...
2016-11-04 조회수 : 11,221
On Tuesday, November 15, 2016, the Sejong Institute will be holding a symposium with the Stanford APARC on the topic of "The New U.S. Adm...
Sejong Institute-Korea National Defense University Academic Conference
2016-06-01 조회수 : 8,308
The Sejong Institute-KNDU Joint Academic Conference■ Date: Wednesday, June 8, 2016■ Time: 09:00 ~ 17:30■ Venue: The Plaza Hotel, Seo...
Thesis Competition on Korea-Japan-China Trilateral Cooperation
2016-05-26 조회수 : 7,725
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Sejong Institute are pleased to welcome students in their undergraduate and graduate programs ...
Academic Conference Commemorating the 30th Anniversary of the Sejong Institute
2016-05-18 조회수 : 5,289
In celebration of the 30th anniversary, the Sejong Institute will hold a special academic conference commemorating its 30 years of his...
31st Sejong National Strategy Forum
2016-04-18 조회수 : 10,607
The 31st Sejong National Strategy Forum is scheduled to be held on Thursday, April 21, 2016 on the subject of "Tasks for the Next Gove...