Academic Events

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  • [Colloquium]

    1st Colloquium of 2023

    2023-01-11 조회수 : 776

    On January 10 Tuesday, at the Sejong Institute’s 1st colloquium of 2023, Research Fellow Eun-ji Choi presented “Assessment of North Korea...

  • [International Conference]

    2022 Forum for ROK-U.S. Nuclear Strategy 

    2022-12-19 조회수 : 1,356

    December 16 to 17, the Sejong Institute held the 2022 Forum for ROK-U.S. Nuclear Strategy under the theme "The possibility of nuclear war...

  • [International Conference]

    South Korea-EU Indo-Pacific Roundtable 

    2022-12-16 조회수 : 978

    December 15, 2022, the Sejong Institute held the Indo-Pacific Roundtable with the Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Kor...

  • [Cyber Security Forum]

    6th Sejong Cybersecurity Forum 

    2022-12-01 조회수 : 833

    The Sejong Institute's Cybersecurity Center held ​its sixth Sejong Cybersecurity Forum on Thursday, November 24​ at the Somerset Palace H...

  • [International Conference]

    South Korea-Taiwan Security Dialogue 

    2022-12-01 조회수 : 1,458

    November 28, President Sang Hyun Lee of the Sejong Institute signed an MOU with the Taiwan Foundation on Asia-Pacific Peace Studies(APS) ...

  • [International Conference]

    2022 Seminar on DRPK-China Relations 

    2022-11-30 조회수 : 836

    November 25, the Sejong Institute held the 2022 Seminar on DRPK-China Relations, under the theme “Prospects on the turning point of DRPK-...

  • [International Conference]

    JIIA-Sejong-KF Forum 

    2022-11-28 조회수 : 783

    November 25, the 『2022 JIIA-Sejong-KF Forum』 video-conference was co-hosted by the Sejong Institute, the Japan Institute of Internation...

  • [Sejong Policy Forum]

    10th Sejong Policy Forum of 2022 

    2022-11-24 조회수 : 720

    November 23, the Sejong Institute held the 10th Sejong Policy Forum of 2022 in the Somerset Palace Seoul seminar room under the theme of ...

  • [Sejong Defense Forum]

    7th Sejong Defense Forum of 2022

    2022-11-24 조회수 : 708

    November 23, the Sejong Institute held the 7th Sejong Defense Forum of 2022 in the Somerset Palace Seoul seminar room under the theme of ...

  • [International Conference]

    Sejong-Toda South Korea-Japan Joint Project 

    2022-11-22 조회수 : 882

    November 19, the Sejong Institute co-hosted the “Round Table for Future-oriented Korea and Japan Relations”. The round table consiste...