Academic Events
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Meeting with G.John Ikenberry
2023-07-13 조회수 : 2,034
On July 13th(Thur), Sejong Institute held a discussion with G.John Ikenberry, professor at the Princeton University and Non-resident Fell...
[Academic events]
29th Sejong-CICIR Joint Academic Meeting
2023-07-12 조회수 : 2,206
On July 12th (Wed), the Sejong Institute held a joint academic meeting with the China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations(...
Meeting with MERICS
2023-07-10 조회수 : 2,188
On July 4, researchers from the Sejong Institute visited Mercator Institute for China Studies (MERICS) in Berlin and held a private meeti...
2023 Korea-Europe Peace Forum
2023-07-07 조회수 : 2,234
On July 3, 4 , 2023, the Sejong Institute hed a 2023 Korea-Europe Peace Forum in Frei Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany. The conference...
International Seminar at Peking University, School of International Studies
2023-06-29 조회수 : 2,274
Sang-hyun Lee, President of the Sejong Institute, attended the "Global Security Governance: Current Challenges and China's Solutions" int...
Meeting with Yonsei University Students
2023-06-23 조회수 : 2,110
On June 22, 2023, The Sejong Institute held a visiting meeting with students from Yonsei University After the brief tour within the Ins...
Sejong-9DashLine Webinar
2023-06-14 조회수 : 2,386
On June 14, 2023, the Sejong Institute held a webinar with the 9DashLine under the theme of "The Korea-Japan-EU Trilateral Cooperation: C...
2nd Sejong-ISDP Webinar
2023-06-13 조회수 : 2,373
On June 13, 2023, the Sejong Institute held a webinar with the Institute for Security & Development Policy (ISDP) under the theme of ...
Sejong-Foundation on Asia-Pacific Peace Studies Meeting
2023-06-12 조회수 : 2,061
The Sejong Institute held a meeting with the Foundation on Asia-Pacific Peace Studies from 14:00 on June 12, 2023. At the meeting, Sang-h...
Sejong Institute - Fondation pour la Recherche Stratégique (FRS) Webinar
2023-06-09 조회수 : 2,279
On June 9, 2023, the Sejong Institute held a webinar with the Fondation pour la Recherche Stratégique (FRS) under the theme of "The Pote...