Academic Events

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  • [Colloquium]

    2015 7th Colloquium

    2015-07-22 조회수 : 2,723

    On July 7, 2015, the Sejong Institute invited Prof. Jeong-min Lee from the Graduate School of International Studies of the Yonsei Univers...

  • [Sejong Policy Forum]

    2015 Sejong Policy Forum - Special Session II 

    2015-07-09 조회수 : 2,996

    On July 7, the Sejong Institute held the Special Session II on key messages on foreign security in the upcoming 8.15 congratulatory remar...

  • [Sejong Policy Forum]

    2015 6th Sejong Policy Forum  

    2015-06-30 조회수 : 2,950

    [The 6th Sejong Policy Forum] 70 Years of Independence and Tasks of ROK Diplomacy, 70 Years of Division and Tasks of the Inter-Korean Rel...

  • [Sejong Policy Forum]

    2015 5th Sejong Policy Forum 

    2015-06-30 조회수 : 2,744

    [The 5th Sejong Policy Forum] President Park Geun-hye’s Visit to the United States, What Should be Prepared? On May 26, the Sejong In...

  • [Sejong Policy Forum]

    2015 4th Sejong Policy Forum 

    2015-06-30 조회수 : 2,907

    [The 4th Sejong Policy Forum] China’s Offensive Diplomacy: How Should We Respond? On April 21, the Sejong Institute held the 4th Sejon...

  • [Colloquium]

    2015 6th Colloquium 

    2015-06-24 조회수 : 2,652

    On June 23, 2015, the Sejong Institute invited Prof. Chang-hee Park from the Korea National Defense Academy, and Dr. Chang hoon Shin, the...

  • [Colloquium]

    2015 5th Colloquium

    2015-06-24 조회수 : 2,713

    On June 11, 2015, the Sejong Institute invited Dr. You-ho Yul, Professor of the Korea University, and held the 5th Colloquium on the subj...

  • [International Conference]

    Discussion in Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the ROK-Japan Relations 

    2015-06-11 조회수 : 3,064

    The Discussion in Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the ROK-Japan Relations was held from June 8 to 9, 2015, in Jeju, ROK. The discu...

  • [Colloquium]

    2015 4th Colloquium

    2015-06-11 조회수 : 2,720

    On May 19, 2015, the Sejong Institute held the 4th Colloquium under the title of the “Reshuffling of the Northeast Asian Order after the ...

  • [Colloquium]

    2015 3rd Colloquium

    2015-06-11 조회수 : 2,710

    On May 18, 2015, the Sejong Institute invited Dr. Nam-hoon Cho from the Korean institute for defense analysis (KIDA) and held the 3rd Col...