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ROK's National Strategy 2030: Diplomacy
2016-06-14 조회수 : 14,959
This book analyzes South Korea’s diplomacy concerning its security strategies surrounding the region of Northeast Asia. For sugge...
ROK's National Strategy 2030: National Security
2016-06-13 조회수 : 13,700
This book attempts to make recommendations on South Korea’s national strategy for 2030 in the areas of foreign policy, national s...
ROK's National Strategy 2030: Unification
2016-06-13 조회수 : 11,011
This book makes educated predictions on changes in North Korea’s internal system throughout the year 2030, and makes suggestions ab...
National Strategy 22-2 (Summer)
2016-06-10 조회수 : 8,847 Young-June Park,Hwee Rhak Park,Yong Wook Lee,YoungJa Bae,Chi-Wook Kim,Sun-Woo Lee
National Strategy 22-1 (Spring)
2016-03-04 조회수 : 8,650 Sung Im Jung, Sung Cheol Kang, Jeong Hun Han, Ppu Ri Bak, Tae Hun Noh,Eunju Chi,Duk Hee Yoon,Euiyoung Kim,Youngho Cho
How Does Domestic Politics Affect Foreign Policy? : Regime and State Leader
2016-02-22 조회수 : 2,276 Miong-sei Kang
Conflict and Cooperation in Sino-Japanese Relations: A Link Between Security and Economic Spheres
2016-02-19 조회수 : 2,025 Soung Chul Kim
Unification of the Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asian Order
2016-02-12 조회수 : 2,031 Jong-Seok Lee
NATO’s Nuclear Sharing and Tactical Nuclear Weapons
2016-01-25 조회수 : 2,131 Eunsook Chung
National Strategy 21-4 (Winter)
2016-01-15 조회수 : 9,337 Young Namkoong & Ilkook Yang,Seongjong Song,Kyungmin Ko,Kwanhaeng Cho,Junghyun Song & Jinki Kim,Hong-Young Park,Heung Bin Kim,Dong Gu Suh