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The Network Regionalism in Northeast Asia and Russia
2014-02-24 조회수 : 2,554 Eunsook Chung
Japan’s Enhanced Ultra-Conservatism and Northeast Asia
2014-02-24 조회수 : 2,382 Myon Woo Lee
Limitations of China’s Rural Land System and Directions for Improvements
2014-02-24 조회수 : 2,384 Hyun-jeong Yoo
North Korea’s Nuclear Armament and Threats to Politics, Security, and Economy of South Korea
2014-02-24 조회수 : 2,654 Sang-yoon Eom
The Obama Administration’s Pivot to Northeast Asia Strategy and ROK’s Countermeasures
2014-02-24 조회수 : 2,629 Hyun Ik Hong
ROK’s Security Strategy toward Possible Intervention of China in the event of North Korea’s emergent circumstances
2014-02-24 조회수 : 2,604 Chul-ho Chong
Japan’s Policy toward North Korea
2014-02-24 조회수 : 2,637 Chang Soo Jin
National Strategy 19-4 (Winter)
2013-12-06 조회수 : 3,334 Dongho Jo,Dong Wook Won,Hwee Rhak Park,Jae-Hung Ahn,Wookhee Shin
A Study on the Conversion of North Korea’s Military Industry to Civilian Production
2013-10-17 조회수 : 3,307 Un Chul Yang
A Comparison on the Unification Policy of the Lee Seung Man Administration and the Jang Myeon Administration
2013-10-17 조회수 : 3,277 Haksoon Baik