Current Issues and Policies 2013-12
Date 2014-01-20 View 5,392
File President Putin’s Seoul Visit and Proposal for Strategic Cooperation between Korea
Writer Hyun-ik Hong
File North Korea’s Crisis Making Strategy and South Korea’s Countermeasure
Writer Soon-bo Moon
File ROK-US MD Cooperation and National Interests Gap between R.O.K. and the U.S.
Writer Sang-Yoon Eom
File Assessment on the Kim Jong-un Regime’s Past Two Years
Writer Seong-Chang Cheong
File Challenges and Strategies for Northeast Asian Peace and Cooperation Initiative
Writer Sang Hyun Lee
File A Suggestion for Peace and Cooperation in Northeast Asia; From a Macro Perspective
Writer Jong-seok Lee
File China’s Economic Reform, Eradication of Corruptions, and Democracy
Writer Kisoo Kim