When globalization has been a prevailing phenomenon in international political economy, and the activities of regional associations, such as the EU, NAFTA, and APEC, are becoming more vigorous. For their part, the East Asian countries, which faced a financial crisis at the end of the 1990s, needs to complement their international financial system in order to foster closer economic cooperation. This book seeks to uncover the possibility of, and alternatives to, economic cooperation in East Asia, thus overcoming the limitations of such a policy. Dr. Miongsei Kang, who wrote the first chapter, "Would Regionalism be Possible in East Asia?" starts with an introduction to regionalism. He then deals with the history, possibility, and limitations of regionalism. Chapter two, written by Chang Soo Jin entitled, "Currency Cooperation in East Asia," discusses the present situation, and limitations to the internationalization of the Yen as well as the future direction of currency cooperation in East Asia. Chapter three, entitled, "Currency and the Financial System in the Development of East Asia" was written by Dakahashi Takuma. He presents an analysis of the potential appearance of a regional currency, the 'Asian' and the roles of the Tokyo Money Center. Oyane Dakashi wrote chapter four, which is entitled, "The Institutions and Organizations of Trade Cooperation." He presents potential response measures to prevent Korea-Japan trade conflicts and the possibility of a Free Trade Agreement. Chapter five, writ-ten by Dr. Kie-Duck Park is entitled, "Economic Cooperation in Northeast and Southeast Asia," discusses the present status of, possibility for, and alternatives to the EAFTA.
No : 2002-03
Publishing Company : The Sejong Institute
Date of Publication : 2002
Number Of Pages : 196 Page
Price : 7,000 Won