
Two Presidents, One Agenda: A Blueprint for South Korea and the United States to Address the Challenges of the 2020s and Beyond

Date 2022-05-16 View 606

An agenda for the U.S.-South Korea alliance in the 2020s and beyond.

Edited by Dr. Sue Mi Terry

President Biden and South Korea’s new president, Yoon Suk-yeol, have a historic opportunity to forge a closer U.S.-R.O.K. alliance. Two Presidents, One Agenda: A Blueprint for South Korea and the United States to Address the Challenges of the 2020s and Beyond is a series of articles that present the two presidents with specific policy recommendations addressing the most significant security and economic challenges and opportunities the two allies face in the years ahead. The articles are divided into two major categories: the shifting geopolitics of Northeast Asia, and economic and trade issues. There are 12 topics total under these two major areas. 

For each of the bigger geostrategic and economic issues, prominent experts – one from the United States, the other from the ROK—present recommendations on how each of their countries can deal with these challenges. For more narrow issues, a single expert, either American or Korean, offers recommendations. All of the writers are leading experts in their field with significant scholarly credentials. In addition, many have extensive government experience as well. 

Given all the shifts transforming the international environment, the United States and South Korea cannot afford a “business as usual” approach to their relations. This essay collection will chart a way forward for both administrations.

For Korean language (국문) version of Two Presidents One Agenda(두 대통령, 하나의 길), click here.