National Strategy

National Strategy 23-2 (Summer)

Date 2017-06-02 View 18,619

Table of Contents

1. The Study of Small States’ Influence in Asymmetrical Relations: Focused on the Capability of State and Decision Maker’s Circumstance Perception - Sung Hoon Lee

2. America’s Third Offset Strategy: Trends, Potential Impacts on the Korean Peninsula and Application Methods - Jun-Hyuk Park

3. An Analysis on the Desirability and Feasibility of the Preventive Strike against North Korea’s Nuclear Threat: Theories and Precedents - Hwee Rhak Park

4. Israel’s Nuclear Development Decision and Nuclear Strategy: The Application of Siege Mentality - Seung-chan Boo

5. A Theoretical Approach to Development Cooperation for North Korea: With Particular Reference to the International Society - Taekyoon Kim

6. The Prospect of Dynamic Relationship among the Four Powers’ Leadership and South Korea’s Maritime Security on the Trump Administration - Byung Sun Baek

7. Assessing the ASEAN Leadership in Perspective - Ki-Hyun Bae