1. Overcoming Military Pessimism and Excessive Deterrence: Re-examination of a Strategy against North Korean SLBM Threat | Jungsup Kim
2. Parliamentary Exchanges Between China and Russia During Xi Jinping’s Era: Diplomatic and Security Implications | Taeho Kim and Sunjae Kim
3. Net Assessment: Concept, Methodology and Application to Sample Case | Changhee Park
4. Big Data Analysis of Foreign Policy with a Focus on the Speeches by Ministers of Foreign Affairs in Park Geun-hye and Moon Jae-in Administration | Sion Lee
5. China’s Maritime Expansionism and Its Impacts on Maritime Security Dynamics in the Indo-Pacific | Ji-Yong Lee
6. Change of Strategic Environment and Korea’s War Strategy: “Hyper-Blitzkrieg” through Strategic Paralysis by Fire | Yoonkee Han and Hanbyeol Sohn
7. Japan’s Regional Initiative as a Geo-Strategy: Focusing on the Indo-Pacific Vision | Ga-ram Hwangbo and Chang-Gun Park
* Book Review: Identity Crisis | Miong Sei Kang