1. A Study on the Future Aerospace C4I System Development Plan using AI: Focusing on Airspace Control, Command Determination Support, and Cyber Security | Youngsoo Kim & Kwanhaeng Cho
2. The Dilemma of Nuclear Strategy and a Choice for Dealing with North Korea's Nuclear Threat | Jungsup Kim
3. Dictators' Regime Stabilization Strategies and North Korea's Neopatrimonialization | Jin-Ha Kim
4. INF Treaty and Arms Control on the Korean Peninsula: Success Factors in Concluding the Treaty and its Implications on the Korean Peninsula | Cheolkyun Park
5. Hybrid Nature of the Data Sovereignty in the Context of Global Security: Perspectives, Trends, and Implications | Joonkoo Yoo
6. An Evaluation of Trump’s North Korean Nuclear Diplomacy and Tasks of the Biden Administration’s North Korean Nuclear Negotiations | Bong-geun Jun
7. Limits and Prospects of Northeast Asia Plus Community of Responsibility: Focusing on the New Northern Policy | Youngmi Choi