Table of Contents
1. Strategies and Policies of South Korean Public Diplomacy: Preliminary
Conceptualization of Its Typology - Wooyeal Paik
2. A Study on the Role of Airpower in
KMPR Operations: Focused on ISR and PGMs Capability - Soo Jung,
Kwanhaeng Cho, and Sungpyo Hong
3. The Korean Peninsula as a Strategic
Asset for the United States and China: North Korea’s Nuclear Problem Dilemma
- Seung Yul Oh
4. The Changing Chinese Economy and
China’s Use of North Korean Labour - Jong-Woon Lee
5. Analysis of Japan’s Defense Cost
Sharing and Policy Implications - Jae Ok Paek
6. World Politics of International
Norms in Cyber Security: Frame Competition for Transforming Global Order
- Sangbae Kim
7. The Study of International Community’s PCD Discourse: OECD and EU’s PCD Application Sectors - Kyungyon Moon and Hyuk-Sang Sohn