
Sejong-Hudson Webinar

Date 2023-04-05 View 7,103


Sejong-Hudson Webinar, co-hosted by the Sejong Institute and the Hudson Instutute, will be held as follows.



Topic: Chinese Nuclear Weapons Development: Issues and Perspectives of International Community


Date: April 10. 2023 20:00~21:30 (GMT-4)


Place: Online (Links Below)


Chair: Sanghyun Lee (President, Sejong Institute)


Panel: Richard Weitz(Hudson Institute), Komei Isozaki(Hudson Institute), Yeseul Woo(King's College London)

          Youngjun Kim(Korea National Defense University), Maximilian Hoell(European Leadership Network)


Discussion: Myonwoo Lee(Vice President, Sejong Institute), Jaeheung Chung(Sejong Institute)

                 Sungwon Lee(Sejong Institute), Dongmin Lee(Dankook University)


Webinar Registration Link: ​


* This webinar will be held in English

** Name, Affiliation, Title is required for the registration​​​