On October 22nd 2024, the Sejong Institute held a discussion session with the Ministry of External Affairs from India under the topic of "Korea-India relations and Global South"
Discussion about methods and thoughts to utilize Korea-India-U.S., Korea-India-Japan, Korea-India-3rd Country(Global South) and various ways to advance Korea-India relation were made.
Raghuram S.(Joint Secretary & Head of the Policy Planning & Research Division in the Ministry of External Affairs), Nishikant Singh(Deputy Chief of Mission, Indian Embassy Seoul), Naman Upadhyaya (First Secretary Polticial, Indian Embassy Seoul), Megha Arora (Under Secretary, East Asia Division at Ministry of External Affairs, Govt. of India), and Shivani Jhirwal(Under Secretary, Policy Planning and Research Division at Ministry of External Affairs, Govt. of India) attended the discussion
Vice President Yoon Jung Choi, Principal Fellow Myonwoo Lee, Senior Fellow Jae-hung Chung, Peter Ward Research Fellow, and Kyungjin Song Asia Foundation Korea Representative attended the discussion.