The Sejong Institute held a meeting on January 6 (Monday) afternoon with experts from the Heritage Foundation, with the topic of “ROK-US defense industrial base cooperation and policy priorities and direction of the new US administration.” The discussion centered around the strategic importance of the Indo-Pacific region, challenges faced in ROK-US defense cooperation, and the ROK-US-Japan trilateral cooperation.
Participants from Sejong Institute are as follows:
-Vice President, Yoon Jung Choi
-Principal Fellow, Beomchul Shin
-Principal Fellow, Sang Hyun Lee
-Principal Fellow, Myon Woo Lee
-Senior Fellow, Joon Koo Yoo
-Research Fellow, Peter Ward
-Research Fellow, Chansong Lee
Participants from the Heritage Foundation are as follows:
-Wilson Beaver, Policy Advisor, Defense Budgeting
-Jim Fein, Research Assistant, National Security and European Affairs