On April 17, 2014, the Sejong Institute hosted the 28th Sejong National Strategy Forum under the title of "International Circumstances in Northeast Asia and ROK's Strategy for Unification."
1st Session: The Future of Northeast Asian Security
Moderator: Prof. Sang-woo Lee (Hallym University)
Presentation: Prof. Hong Kyu Kim (Ajou University),
Dr. Yanghyun Cho (KNDA),
Dr. Chang-soo Jin (The Sejong Institute)
Panelists: Dr. Tai Hwan Lee (The Sejong Institute),
Prof. Young-joon Kim (KNDU),
Prof. In-hwi Park (Ehwa Womans University)
2nd Session: Unification of the Korean Peninsula in Northeast Asia
Moderator: Prof. Ho-yul Yoo (Korea University),
Presentation: Dr. Seong-mook Moon (Korea Research Institute for Strategy),
Prof. Dong-sun Lee (Korea University),
Dr. Sang-Yoon Eom (The Sejong Institute)
Panelists: Dr. Seong-chang Cheong (The Sejong Institute),
Prof. Jihwan Hwang (Seoul City University),
Dr. Il-hwan Oh (Institute for Veterans Education)
3rd Session - General Discussion: ROK’s Northeast Asian Strategy and Discourse on Unification
Moderator: Dr. Daesung Song, President of the Sejong Institute
Panelists: Dr. Sang-hyun Lee (The Sejong Institute),
Prof. Seong-uk Nam (Korea University),
Dr. Yong-tae Chung (KINU),
Prof. Yong Hyun Kim (Dongguk University)