Academic Events

Discussion with Experts about China

Date 2023-08-23 View 753

On August 23 Wednesday, the Sejong Institute held a meeting with the visiting experts about China. 


Clive Hamilton, President of The Australia Institute, Kerry Gershaneck, Asia-based Fellow with NATO’s Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe and Ji-yong Lee from Keimyong University visited the Institute.


Yong-joon Lee, Chairman of the Sejong Institute, Sang Hyun Lee, President of the Sejong Institute, Jungsup Kim, Vice President of the Sejong Institute, Yoon Jung Choi, Director of the Center for Indo-Pacific Studies, and Jae-hung Chung, Director of Center for Chinese Studies, Eunsook Chung, Emeritus Senior Fellow, Miae Jung, Visiting Research Fellow attended the meeting and held discussion with experts on issues regarding China and East Asia.​