The Sejong Institute held the 1st Workshop with two distinguished US scholars on the topic of 'The Security Strategies of China and North Korea'. The workshop initiated with opening comments from President Daesung Song and was moderated by Senior Research Fellow Eunsook Chung. The first panel consisted of Dennis Blasko's (Center for Naval Analyses) presentation on 'Modernization of the People's Liberation Army', which included information on the security cognizance of the Chinese leadership, mechanization and computerization of the PLA under communist control, enhanced military capability as a countermeasure against traditional and non-traditional threats. The second panel was concerned with North Korea's recent missile launch and Jonathan Pollack (Brookings Institution) presented on North Korea's new leadership, concerns on uranium enrichment program, North Korea's acknowledgement of the failed missile test, the swift warning issued by the UN Security Council Presidential Statement, and other issues were compared to the 2006 and 2009 previous tests.
The Sejong Institute's designated discussant to the panels were research fellow Chul-ho Chung and Senior Research Fellow Haksoon Paik. The workshop provided an important opportunity for all participants to discuss candidly on the topics that are integral to Northeast Asia's security.