[Sejong Policy Brief 2023-06]
Gyubeom Kim (Visiting Research Fellow the Sejong Institute)
[Current Issues & Policies]
The Future of Presidential Visit to the U.S. and Korea-U.S. Relations on the 70th Anniversary of the Alliance
- Jungkun Seo
Resighting the Strategic Value of Defense Exports
- Jei-guk Jeon
China's Multipolarization of the International Order and the Transformation in the Middle East
- Chung Jae-hung
EU policy toward the Middle East
- Sung Eun SHIM
Implications of the normalization agreements in Saudi-Iran relations agreement and prospects for the future situation in the Middle East
- Il-Kwang Sung
Sejong Global Commentary [New Publication]
Event Announcement
9th Colloquium of 2023[Closed]
- Date 2023 May 9, 10:00 ~ 11:30
- Location International Conference Room
- Theme Yoon Administration and Policy Proposals for Foreign Strategy and Policy Proposals
Special Colloquium of 2023[Open]
- Date 2023 May 19, 10:00 ~ 11:30
- Location International Conference Room
- Theme Comparison and Implications of the U.S.-Japan Nuclear Agreement and the Korea-U.S. Nuclear Agreement
Recent Events
Sejong – USIP 2nd Joint Seminar[Closed]
- Date 2023 May 8, 10:00 ~ 11:30
- Location International Conference Room
- Theme Peaceful Coexistence with North Korea
8th Colloquium of 2023[Closed]
- Date 2023 May 9, 10:00 ~ 11:30
- Location International Conference Room
- Theme Europe's Perspective on Korea's Nuclear Armament Discussion