Sejong News
Sejong Newsletter August Week 2
2023-08-10 view : 988
Cheong Seong-Chang (Sejong Institute)
Internal conditions and tasks to secure nuclear potential for Korea's own nuclear possession
Biden Administration's Late-Stage China Policy: Decoupling and Management
- Hayong Chung / Kyunghee University
Structural Changes in the Middle East's International Situation and Diplomatic Changes
- Sangryul Chung / Former President of KAMES
French riots in the summer of 2023
- Hongsik Cho / Soongsil University
ASEAN's Strategy and Policy Implications for Dealing with the Conflict in the Camp
- Yoon Jung Choi / Sejong Institute
The Development and Meaning of Japan-NATO Relations: Exploring the Expandability of Korea-Japan Relations
- Heesik Choi / Kookmin University
Meeting with Deputy Ambassador Nazarudin Bin Jaafar of the Malaysian Embassy in Korea
Meeting with The Maureen and Mike Mansfield Foundation