
CHUNG Eunsook


Center of Security Strategy




Emeritus Senior Fellow


LIST Organization Chart

Degree and Work Experience


B.A. & M.A. Political Science, Korea University

Ph.D. Political Science, The Ohio State University

(Graduate Student Alumni Research Award, The Ohio State University)

(Graduate Teaching Associate, The Ohio State University)


Currently Member of the Board of Directors for the ACUNS (The Academic Council on the UN System) 2015-2018; Member of Advisory Committee for ROK Navy; Member of Advisory Committee for Ministry of Unification

Previously Vice President, Director of Research, Director of Regional Studies at the Sejong Institute; Editor in Chief, the Sejong Institute’s Issues and Policy

Instructor, Department of Political Science, Korea University; Member of the Board of Directors for  Korean Association for International Studies, Korean Political Science Association, Korean Association for Slavic Studies; Auditor for Korean Association for International Studies;

Visiting Fellow, Finnish Institute for International Affairs (FIIA) & Austrian Institute for International Affairs (OIIP); Visiting Scholar, Hoover Institution at Stanford University; Guest Scholar, Peace Research Institute Frankfurt (PRIF) (2012);
Member of Policy Advisory Committees for Korea's National Security Council; Foreign and Security Policy at Presidential Office

- ACUNS Board Meeting (2017)

- Korea-NATO ‘Nonproliferation’ (2016)

- IISS- JIIA, ‘Nonproliferation’ (2016)

- Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC), ‘Russia and China: Taking on a New

Quality of Bilateral Relations’ (2016)

- East Asia Seminar on UN System (2016)

- Northeast Asia and UN PKO (2016)

- Korea-Russia Forum (2016)

- Korea-Singapore Forum (2015)

- Salzburg Seminar Fellow (2015)

- Korea-Thailand Institute of Security International Studies (ISIS), ‘ASEAN and the

Korean Peninsula’ (2015)

- U.S. Think Tanks Field Study (2011)

- NATO, Think Tank Representative Briefing (2011)

- Japan National Institute for Defense Studies, ‘International Community’s Peace

Operation’ (2009)

- University of Malaya, ‘Korea’s International Relations: Dealing with a

Challenging World’ (2009)

- Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, ‘International Nuclear Policy

Conference’ (2007)

- Poland Foreign Policy Delegation (2007)

- India Institute for Defense Studies and Analysis, ‘Asian Security’ (2007)

- Symposium on East Asia Security (SEAS) Fellow (2006)

- OSCE Briefing (2004)

- UNMIK (UN Mission in Kosovo) Briefing (2002)



Authored Books

- Global Governance in International Security: Issues and Actors (Hanul, 2012)

- Russia’s Foreign and Security Policy: From Gorbachev to Putin

(The Senong Institute, 2004)


Edited Books

- Policy-Making Process of the U.S. China, Japan, and Russia toward the Korean

Peninsula (The Sejong Institute, 2010) 

- South Korea’s Policy Toward the Developing Countries since 1948 (Hanul, 2009)

(Outstanding Academic Book Award, National Academy of Science 2010)

- North Korea Policy of the U.S. China, Japan, and Russia

(The Sejong Institute, 2001)

- Foreign Policy Making in Russia: An Analysis of Domestic Entanglements

(Hannes J. Adomeit, Andrei V. Kortunov, & Eunsook Chung)


Articles/Book Chapters/Policy Reports/Book Reviews

- “Eurasia Initiative, Idea and Reality,” in Hyun Ik Hong ed.,

Foreign Policy of Park Geun Hye Government (The Sejong Institute, 2017)

- NATO’s Nuclear Policy: Past, Present and Future

(The Sejong Institute Policy Research 2016)

- Donald Trump Wins the 2016 Election: The Future of US-Russia Relations

(The Sejong Institute Policy Briefing 2016)

- “International Terrorism as a Major Asymmetric Threat,” in The Sejong Institute,

Prospect for 2017 (2016)

- [Book Review] Thomas J. Biersteker, Sue E. Eckert & Marcos Tourinho

(2016), Targeted Sanctions: The Impacts and Effectiveness of United Nations

Action (ACUNS Web Book Review, 2016.12)

- [Book Review] Joseph S. Nye, Jr. (2015), Is the American Century Over?

“Global Balance of Power in the 21th Century: American Century Over?”

National Strategy 22-1 (2016)

- “Ballistic Missile Defense System: The Cases of Europe and Israel” in

Research Institute for National Security Affairs ed.

Missile Defense Strategy (2015)

- Helsinki Process Revisit?: Northeast Asia Security and Cooperation Initiative

(The Sejong Institute Policy Report Series No.76. 2014)

- East Asia’s Network Regionalism and Russia: Motivation, Gap, Prospect

(The Sejong Institute, 2014)

- The UN Non-Proliferation Sanctions on North Korea: Assessment and

Suggestions (The Sejong Institute, 2013)

-  "Long Stalled Six-Party Talks on North Korea's Nuclear Program: Positions of

Countries Involved," The Korean Journal of Defense Analysis, 25-1 (March 2013)

- "South Korea's Participation in the International Peacekeeping," in ROK's Global

Leadership (Kyobo, 2012) 

- Foreign Policy Orientations of Russia's Major Political Parties: Toward the West,

CIS, and the Korean Peninsula (The Sejong Institute, 2011)

- "Russia's View of Korean Unification: Its Assessment of the Prospects,"

Korea Review, 1-1 (2011)

- Nuclear Summit Process and the Republic of Korea (The Sejong Institute Policy

Report, The Sejong Institute, 2012)

- Agendas for Seoul G20 Speakers' Consultation (Principal Investigator, Report to

the National Assembly, 2011)

- "Denuclearization of Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and Belarus," in Park Ki Duck &

Lee Sang Hyun eds., North Korea's Nuclear Problem and Peace on the Korean

Peninsula (The Sejong Institue, 2008)

- “The ‘Helsinki Process' and the Korean Peninsula," Korea Development Institute

North Korea Economy Review, 10-2 (2008)

- "The 2nd Generation UN PKO: Status and Politics,"

Sejong Policy Review, 4-1 (2008)

- "China-Russia Security Cooperation: Motivations and Limitations,"

Sejong Policy Review, 3-2 (2007)

- "Multiple Regional Security Frameworks for Central Asia: NATO, CSTO, OSCE,

SCO," Sejong Policy Review, 3-1 (2007)

- "Humanitarian Intervention: Can it be Perfect?," The Journal of Peace Studies,

8-2 (2007)

- "Cooperative Security Regimes: A Comparison of OSCE and ARF," Sejong Policy

Review, 1-1 (2005)



- Trump Administration’s North Korea Sanctions: Individuals and Entities

of China and Russia (Sejong Commentary, 2017.8.28.)

- Challenges in Implementing the UNSC Resolution 2371

(Sejong Commentary, 2017.8.11.)

- Selection Process for the 9th UN Secretary General: Searching for A New Global

Leadership (Sejong Commentary 2016.8.31.)

- BREXIT: Security Dimension for Europe and Beyond

(Issues and Policy, August 2016)

- Xi-Putin in Tashkent and Beijing: New Silk Road, South China Sea, and THAAD

(Sejong Commnentary, 2016.7.11.)

- UNSC 2270 and Future of North Korea Sanctions Regime

(Issues and Policy, April 2016)

- Hiroshima G7 Foreign Ministers Meeting: Agendas and Implications

(Sejong Commentary, 2016.4.18.)

- Ten-Year UN Non-Proiferation Sanctions on North Korea: China Factor

(Sejong Commentary, 2016.1.13.)

- Iran and P+1 Nuclear Deal: Contexts and its Future

(Issues and Policy, August 2015)

- China-Russia Joint Sea 2015 Twice (Issues and Policy, November 2015)

- Shangri-la Dialogue 2015: Asian Security Map Today

(Sejong Commentary, 2015.7.2

- Northeast Asia Peace and Cooperation Initiative & Helsinki Process

(Issues and Policy, November 2014)

- Moscow-Pyungyang Relations under Putin and Kim Jong Un

(North Korea, October 2014)

- 2014 NATO Wales Summit: Implications (Sejong Commentary, 2014.9.12.)

- Crimea Crisis and International Order (Sejong Commentary, 2014.3.10.)

- The 50th Munich Security Conference: Agendas and Implications

(Sejong Commentary 2014.2.1.)

- President Putin’s New East Policy and ROK-Russia Summit

(Sejong Commentary, 2013.11.18.)

- Merkel’s Election: Policy Significance (Sejong Commentary, 2013.9.26.)

- Adoption of the UNSC 2094 (Sejong Commentary, 2013,3,11)

- War in Syria, Russia, and Realism of International Relations

(Sejong Commentary, 2012.6.18.)

- 2012 Beijing SCO Summit: Implications (Analysis of Security Issues, No.72, 2012)

- NATO Chicago Summit and Current International Security Environment

(Sejong Commentary, 2012.6.1.)

- Assessing the 2012 Seoul Nuclear Security Summit

(Sejong Commentary, 2012.3.30.)

Interests and Expertise

Multilateral Security Cooperation

International Security Governance (UN PKO, NPT Regime)

Regional Security Cooperation (NATO, OSCE, ARF, SCO, Six-Party Talks)

Foreign and Security Policy of Russia
Korea Policy of Surrounding Powers, the U.S., China, Japan, and Russia
Republic of Korea's Foreign and Security Policy


List of Publications