SungKyunKwan University English & Law B.A.(2000)
SungKyunKwan University School of Law M.A.(2002), Washington college of Law(AU) ILSP LLM(2005)
SungKyunKwan University School of Law Ph.D in International Law(2008)
(Current) Chief Executive Director of Emerging Technology Security Institute(ETSI)
Yonsei University GSIS visiting Professor
Advisory Board Member of MOFA, MOTIE, Coast Guard
(Previous) Research Professor of Korea National Diplomatic Academy(KNDA)
Legal Advisor of LAWS GGE & ICT GGE/OEWG
Presidential Office on the Seoul G20 Summit
Deputy Director
BK21 Glocal Technology Experts Organization ., Assistant Professor
Aitken, Berlin & Brooman LLP D.C. Legal Advisor